Digimon Savers [Original] / Data Squad [Dub Amerika] (Season 5
Digimon Savers (Data Squad) The fifth series has nothing to do with the four other series. The fifth series is raised after a hiatus for 3 years. This series underwent a drastic change when compared with other series in the design of the characters, storyline and also the picture to reach a more mature audience, although it is quite similar to Digimon tamers. The story focuses on the challenges facing DATs (Digital Accident Tactics Squad) an organization created to maintain the confidentiality of the Digital World and Digimon from the human race and to resolve issues related to the emergence of Digimon in the earth in secrecy. The main character is a teenager now (not children) consists of the Agumon Daimon Masaru, Touma H. Norstein with Gaomon, and Fujieda Yoshino with Lalamon. They and their Digimon partners are members of DATs One time Mercurymon appear to the human world. Merkurimon is a member of the Olympus Twelve, which is a group of warriors guard digimon digital world is made up of Apollomon, Dianamon, Marsmon, Mercurymon, Minervamon, Mervamon, and Neptunemon. Olympus Twelve digimon express hostility to human beings. After that incident the team D.A.T.S. (Masaru, Toumas, Yoshino, and their digimon) decided to go into the digital world to beat Mercurymon. They met 10-year-old boy named Ikuto Noguchi along with his partner Falcomon that serve the Olympus Twelve. Apparently the cause of their hatred to mankind was Akihiro Kurata, a scientist who created a coward in the digital world of great unrest and causing many Digimon that were killed, including Yukidarumon who always take care of Ikuto since his parents are not there. Ikuto and then joined the team Falcomon DATs Kurata garner support from the Japanese government and businessmen, including the father of Thomas to carry out his plan to attack the digital world and kill all the digimon by saying that they are a dangerous threat to mankind. Actually, the main objective is to collect data of digimon as much as possible to be bagiBelphemon strength, strong digimon who wants exploited as a weapon to control the human world and the digital world. The wicked ambition thwarted by the team was able DATs and its allies. However, Kurata then trigger the bomb that caused the collapse of the boundaries of the human world and the digital world. Both worlds are connected in parallel and close to each other and triggered a massive collision that will destroy the world. To resolve this issue, Tim D.A.T.S. went in search of Yggdrasil, the artificial intelligence program (open digimon) who became ruler of the digital world. Apparently Yggdrasil, to protect the digital world, decided to destroy the human world, so that both the world will not meet in one dimension and collide. Eight Royal Knights are Craniummon, Dukemon, Magnamon, Dynasmon, LordKnightmon, UlforceVeedramon, Duftmon and Omegamon Digimon warrior who is devoted to Yggdrasil, was sent to the task. Yggdrasil tangible Daimon Suguru, Masaru's father who disappeared in the digital world while doing research and exploration in the digital world. Suguru's body was taken by the Yggdrasil and his spirit is taken by BanchoLeomon, Suguru digimon partner. After defeating some of the Royal Knights, Tim DATs finally begin to fight against Yggdrasil. Suguru Yggdrasil out of the body, in the form of a powerful robot to destroy the human world with his own hands. Yggdrasil then not only plan to remove the human world, but also the digital world and then create a new world. The remaining Royal Knights began a rebellion against Yggdrasil and side with Tim DATs Through a bitter and emotional battle of Masaru and Agumon, Yggdrasil is defeated and the world did not collide. Before it disappeared, Yggdrasil Suguru return to the human world so that he can be reunited with his family. Masaru then chose to remain in the digital world with Agumon to help keep peace in the digital world. There is a special recap episode contains scenes from various episodes, especially in times of Agumon, Lalamon and Gaomon change, each of which commented on by Agumon, Lalamon and Gaomon.
BY : Celvin
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