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Digimon Xros Wars : The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time

Celvin Andrean Ismanto 9:57:00 PM |

Digimon Xros Wars : The Young Hunters Who Leapt Through Time (Season 7)

The latest series is a direct sequel of Digimon Xros Wars. The story is only 1 year ofadventure Taiki et al in the summer. After the events of a year ago, Taiki and Yuu (who just got into junior high school) to make the basketball team, named Xros Heart, Nenebecame artid in Hong Kong, while Zenjirou, Akari and Kiriha still unaccounted for. There are five main characters that appear in the new sequel, Akashi Tagiru who joined theteam Taiki and Yuu Xros Heart, he has named the main Digimon Gumdramon thechou-shinka be Arresterdramon; Ryouma Mogami, the leader of a rival team that hasDigimon Xros Heart the main Psychemon chou-shinka be Astamon; Tobari Ren,member of the rival team who have a chou Dracumon main Digimon shinka beYaksamon; Airu Suzaki only woman on the rival team which has the main DigimonOpposumon the shinka into Cho-chou-Hakkaimon; and a mysterious old man who givesa XrosLoader Tagiru called Clock shop's owner, he is often seen with a diredesignClockmon; as well as the latest character to have Hideaki Mashimo Digimon namedDobermon.
General concept changed to Hunters in here because they are doing is capturingDigimon roaming the DigiQuartz (the mysterious world that lies between the digital worldand the real world, often reflecting the physical shape of a real-world locations) and addthem in the collection.
The story of this series is more similar to the tamers and compared Savers Xros Warsseason 1 and 2 are more similar to the Adventure and Frontier, because people whomenfireksikan is the same person who mendireksikan Digimon tamers.

BY : Celvin

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